Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Quest for ratings

Look at my blog. It’s all writing, writing, writing. Where’s the appeal in that? There’s no bang for your buck or instant gratification, no wonder Jessica’s blog is pulling ahead in the number of hits – her’s is all ‘ooo what a pretty picture’ and how can I compete with that?

But things are about to change, you see now when people search for Paris Hilton on the internet they are going to open up my blog – I can just see my little hit counter ticking over tick , tick , tick. Ha ha, Pow! Take that Jessica, how can you ever expect your cheap Power Point tricks to compete with the likes of Paris Hilton??? – that ubiquitous blonde that represents, represents … ah therein lies the problem. What does Paris Hilton represent? Why the fascination, and why is she sporting that oh so unfashionable bunion?

The problem is that you simply cannot escape the tart – she’s even found her way onto my blog. I’ll be honest, I’m feeling grumpy. I spent last weekend skiing and each time I completed one of the major runs I was greeted at the bottom by a large billboard of Paris sporting the latest Fila fashion. So my weekend played out like this – do the ski run, see Paris, wonder what she represents as I took the lift back up, do the ski run, see Paris, wonder what she represents as I took the lift back up…

It really irked me that I had to come across Paris Hilton every couple of hours. What does Paris represent? Why is it that even in the middle of no where, after hours on the bumble bus, I must contend with her image?

To me her wide spread image is symptomatic of something far larger than simply another unintelligent ill thought Fila advert. When I go skiing in the middle of no where I want to see something new and different, and so I was disappointed to see large bill boards and especially that large bill board bearing Paris’ grinning mug. I’m sure you can picture that smile of her’s – I cannot imagine much going on behind those eyes – she’s a walking talking doll – a zombie - and exactly what Fila wants of you and me.

Sometimes I get the feeling that much of advertising is based on the premise that if you bombard someone enough they will go out and buy the product. Maybe this is why even in the mountains you cannot escape the likes of Paris Hilton.

Well, I’m sick and tired of Paris Hilton and everything she represents- or doesn’t represent. I’m insulted that Fila has the arrogance to think that by bombarding me with images that my brain is going to turn to malleable mush.

Sod the both of them.

1 comment:

  1. She isn't even remotely attractive. I don't understand it either Jules... In my opinion she does more damage to a brand than anything else (I know i'll be staying away from Fila from now on).

    Now if Elizabeth Hurley was on that advert.... ;)
