I love this cartoon.
Jacob doesn't even realise he has shoes to fill, he's simply to pre-occupied with his political rivals.
Or perhaps it suggests that he simply has no idea what is expected of him. and how to manage state affairs.
Consider this; Jacob Zuma slept with an HIV positive woman without a condom. This is absolutely shocking. Especially since he has several wives who he has at the very least a moral obligation not to put at risk of contracting HIV.
Still more shocking, and less well known, is the fact that while deputy president he headed SANAC (South African National AIDS Council) the highest government body on AIDS [and probably HIV as well - I'm a little hazy on this point.]
How can a person who was responsible for chairing discussions on one of South Africa's greatest tragedies, and most significant problems, go on to sleep with an HIV positive person without a condom?
Hiking the John Muir Trail
5 years ago
That's brilliantly funny (and sadly true)!